Centre for Higher Education Research, Innovation and Learning (CHERIL)

Posted by ilan | | Sunday 14 September 2014 10:41 am


11/October 2014 – Meeting at Alan Turing Building, G207 (3pm)

Centre for Higher Education Research, Innovation and

Learning (CHERIL)

The University is in the process of establishing a Centre for Higher Education Research, Innovation and Learning (CHERIL) based in the Manchester Institute of Education (MIE). The broad aims of the Centre are:

  • To provide University Senior Management with strategic advice on developments in teaching and learning across the sector and to identify agendas for research into higher education.
  • To promote original, rigorous educational research into pedagogy, policy and practice in HE, including through externally funded research and innovation projects (e.g. the HEA collaborative projects) across the field and within the University.
  • To promote inquiry into practice in HE teaching, through an evidence-based’ approach, exploring particular issues and creative responses, evaluating the impact of interventions in terms of ‘what works’ (i.e. impact analysis) and ‘how does it work’ (to enable other to learn from trialled approaches), and by maintaining a network and website that archives key publications and promotes colleagues’ reporting of pedagogical innovations.
  • To serve institutional needs of UoM, by helping University and Faculty teaching agendas to engage with day-to-day academic teaching practice, and by feeding back the findings and evidence of colleagues involved with frontline teaching to senior management.

CHERIL is pleased to announce that a programme of project funding will be available during 2014-15.

The Centre is interested in funding projects that support its broad aims and particularly welcomes bids in the following areas:

  • Transition and Retention
  • Degree Attainment, particularly in relation to differential attainment
  • Personalised Learning (e.g. Lecture flipping, approaches to feedback etc)
  • Learning Analytics 
  • Learner Identity (including professional identity for Academic colleagues)
  • Learning through Research

We anticipate that in most cases individual project funding will not exceed £20,000 and in many cases will be considerably less. Bids in excess of £20,000 will be considered but will need to include a detailed breakdown of funding requirements, and will be subject to additional scrutiny.

The Centre will be hosting an event to launch the funding programme on September 11th 2014 (3.30-5pm), Alan Turing G207 where there will be an opportunity to find out more about the aims of the CHERIL and ask questions about the funding programme.

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An invitation to bid for project funding, and additional information including criteria, bid format and timescales can be found below:


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