Fuzzy Logic, Modelling and Decision Making:MBS & Labfuzzy

Posted by ilan | | Sunday 26 April 2015 6:29 am

Fuzzy Logic, Modelling and Decision Making:

MBS & Labfuzzy


This project aims developing collaboratively scientific and technological activities, taking into account the mutual interest in promoting scientific, technological and cultural co-operation, in fields of mutual specialisation. The proposal is aligned to University of Manchester Research Strategy, item 1.2.3: “Target partnerships with institutions in the USA and in BRIC countries to address underutilised opportunities, ensuring coordination with wider internationalisation strategy.”.


  • Future development and collaboration between MBS  and LabFuzzy in order to high quality scientific production
  • Interchange for students and academics – seminars and visiting research
  • Main themes: Decision Making, Services (Education, Health, etc.)
  • Instruments and Techniques: Text Mining, Interviews, Fuzzy Models, Other Decision Making models

Report: Download report_Fuzzy Logic in Brazil seminar

 LabFuzzy (UFRJ/COPPE) visitors at MBS



Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), also known as University of Brazil, is the largest federal university country and constitute one of the Brazilian centres of excellence in  teaching and research.

In terms of scientific, artistic and cultural is recognized nationally and internationally due to the performance of researchers and evaluations carried out by external agencies.

2014 QS World University Rankings put UFRJ as the best Brazilian federal university as well as the third best university in the country, fourth between the institutions of America Latina  and the 60th best university of the BRICS and other in-development countries.

COPPE/UFRJ  – The Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering –helped renew Brazilian universities; thereby contributing to the country’s overall development. Founded in 1963 by the engineer Alberto Luiz Coimbra, the institution made it possible to create graduate courses in Brazil. Over the course of the last four decades it has become the most important centre for engineering research and education in Latin America.




The academic output reflects the standard of excellence. About 200 doctoral degrees and 300 master’s degrees are awarded annually. COPPE researchers publish about 2,000 scientific papers in national and international journals and conferences annually.

According to the last Capes evaluation (the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Courses), in September, 2010, COPPE was Brazil’s leading engineering graduate institute with the highest number of courses rated 7, which is equivalent to the performance of the most important and respected research and teaching centres in the world.

Academic Excellence

The academic output reflects the standard of excellence. About 200 doctoral degrees and 300 master’s degrees are awarded annually. Coppe researchers publish about 2,000 scientific papers in national and international journals and conferences annually. According to the last Capes evaluation (the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Courses), in September, 2010, Coppe was Brazil’s leading engineering graduate institute with the highest number of courses rated 7, which is equivalent to the performance of the most important and respected research and teaching centers in the world.


Studies on Fuzzy Logic in Production Engineering Program of COPPE / UFRJ date from the 70’s with the creation of the first studies locational and economic impacts developed by Professor Carlos Alberto Nunes Cosenza. The evolution of these studies, with the passing of Professor by the University of Cambridge, added mathematical complexity in the formation of locational models advanced today described formally in applications MODEL COPPE-COSENZA industrial location, which emerges as an effective model hierarchy with applications in medicine, architecture, robotics, selection of investment alternatives, identifying potential regional meet better demand profiles, facilitating the analysis of projects, identification of demand profiles for selection of decision-makers, instrument applied in different doctoral theses (work and studies contained in LAB FUZZY).

For over three decades, Production Engineering Program offers masters and doctoral students various courses about Fuzzy Logic, attracting large number of researchers who wish to supplement their research with the use of fuzzy logic.

Projects of great global significance have been developed by researchers at the LAB FUZZY within partnerships with other institutions and laboratories of COPPE / UFRJ.

Seminar (23/4/2015) DECISION MAKING AND FUZZY LOGIC IN BRAZIL: Desire, Pricing, Evaluation and Perception

Dr. Jian-Bo Yang, Dr. Yu-Wang Chen and Dr. Ludimil Mikakov, from DSC research group kindly hosted the seminar and MOMS division (Marketing Operation Management and Service Systems) also helped to organise the event.


  • Ministry of Health Brazil, UFRJ, COPPE, Coppetec, UFRJ Agência de Inovação, Klam.
  • Manchester University, Manchester Business School, DCS research group, Service Systems research group, MOMS Division.

Website: http://api.adm.br/fuzzy (opens in a new window)

With Professor Jian-Bo Yang, Chair of Decision and System Sciences

With Professor Jian-Bo Yang, Chair of Decision and System Sciences (MBS host team)


Coordination: Ilan Chamovitz


LabFuzzy team

LabFuzzy team

Dr.Babis Theodoulidis (MBS host team)

Labfuzzy team with Dr.Babis Theodoulidis (MBS host team)

Planning at MBS

Planning at MBS

Dr. Jian-bo Wang discusses possible collaboration

Professor Jian-Bo Yang discusses possible collaboration

Dr. Cesar A. Marin discusses further collaboration

Dr. Cesar A. Marin discusses further collaboration

Meeting at Dr. Cesar's room

Meeting at Dr. Cesar’s room

Open discussion after presentations

Open discussion after presentations


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