Doing Business in Brazil - some useful links

De Wiki de Ilan Chamovitz - Informatica, Administracao, Eng. Producao, Educacao, Tecnologia da Informacao

Edição feita às 15h40min de 22 de Agosto de 2012 por Ilan (Discussão | contribs)

Professor Ilan Chamovitz - Doing Business in Brazil - useful links.

Please cite:

CHAMOVITZ, Ilan. Doing Business in Brazil - Some Useful Links. Accessed in July, 2012.

Ilan Chamovitz is a Doctor in Production Engineering, nowadays is a an visiting academic at MBS.


Information Retrieval is one of my research fields, so that I decided to provide you with some web links that can help you with most of doubts about issues of this chapter. You are specially invited to collaborate!

Professor’s Chamovitz web links suggestions:

News from Brazil - Brazil Weekly is a non-profit collection of political and economic news items, background articles and analyses from established English language media. Why not subscribe?

Postwesternworld website - By Dr. Oliver Stuenkel, Professor of International Relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation

Tabela de conteúdo

Managerial and Environmental Business in Brazil

12 Tips for Foreign Managers in Brazil -

Being a Manager in Brazil -

Brazil - Passionate about Brazil. -

Why Is Brazil an Emerging Market Economy? (By Sean Williams) -

Global Competitiveness - World Economic Forum - Geneva Switzerland 2011

Global Competitiveness Index (search Brazil) -

GCI 2011–2012 ........................................................ 53......4.3

GCI 2010–2011 (out of 139)..................................................58........ 4.3

GCI 2009–2010 (out of 133)..................................................56........ 4.2

Basic requirements (35.5%)...............................................83........ 4.3

Institutions.............................................................................77........ 3.7

Infrastructure........................................................................64........ 4.0

Macroeconomic environment .........................................115........ 4.2

Health and primary education...........................................87........ 5.4

Efficiency enhancers (50.0%)............................................41........ 4.4

Higher education and training...........................................57........ 4.4

Goods market efficiency...................................................113........ 3.8

Labor market efficiency......................................................83........ 4.2

Financial market development ..........................................43........ 4.5

Technological readiness.....................................................54........ 4.0

Market size ...........................................................................10........ 5.6

Innovation and sophistication factors (14.5%) ..............35........ 4.0

Business sophistication .....................................................31........ 4.5

Innovation..............................................................................44........ 3.5

The most problematic factors for doing business

Tax rates ................................................................................19.3

Tax regulations .....................................................................16.6

Inadequate supply of infrastructure.................................15.1

Restrictive labor regulations..............................................12.2

Inefficient government bureaucracy................................10.5

Inadequately educated workforce .....................................8.6


Access to financing...............................................................3.3

Foreign currency regulations ..............................................2.6


Crime and theft.......................................................................1.3

Poor public health..................................................................1.0

Policy instability .....................................................................1.0

Government instability/coups..............................................0.2

Poor work ethic in national labor force.............................0.2

Ease of Doing Business

Doing Business 2012 data for Brazil (from "Ease of Doing Business") -

This considers some aspects such as:

- Starting a Business 120

- Dealing with Construction Permits 127

- Getting Electricity 51

- Registering Property 114

- Getting Credit 98

- Protecting Investors 79

- Paying Taxes 150

- Trading Across Borders 121

- Enforcing Contracts 118

Resolving Insolvency 136

More about Brazil

Investing in Brazil (, 2011) - “Real-life tips and tricks towards successful investments” -

Global economy: Who can drive the recovery? (By Kimiko de Freytas-Tamura Business reporter, BBC News)


BRICS Information Centre - University of Toronto

BRICS: The 2012 New Delhi Summit Edited by John Kirton and Marina Larionova with Yoginder K. Alagh, Published by Newsdesk Media, 2012 
The global influence of BRICS: a Brazilian perspective (Joao P Nogueira)

 Brazil as a global trading partner: does being in BRICS help? (Fatima Berardinelli, Adriana de Queiroz, Leonardo Paz, Renata Dalacqua and

Andressa Maxnuck)

Central Intelligence Agency - Brazil Information -

• - Introduction

• - Geography

• - People

• - Government

• - Economy

• - Communications

• - Transportation

• - Military

• - Transnational Issues

CVM - Legal and Regulatory Structure of the Brazilian Securities Markets.

Global Competitiveness Report 2010-2011 Highlights - Contains the List of countries/economies at each stage of development and Global Competitiveness Index 2010–2011 rankings -

Brazil the natural knowledge economy - Kirsten Bound (The Atlase of Ideas - -

Joint convention on the safety of spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste management National Report of Brazil for the 4th Review Meeting - October 2011 -

Sustainability Report 2011 Edition Brazil (by Bunge) -

MARKETS IN BRAZIL (Brasil-euro) -

Regulation Of Interest To Foreign Investors

Brazil official TradeNet links

Business Opportunities

Investment Promotion and Technology Transfer System for Companies (SIPRI)

Manual guides: (Brazil oficial website Brasil GlobalNet)

General aspects about the country, such as: history, geography, climate, currency, language, food, holidays, folklore and safety, as well as clarifications about Brazilian documents that may have to be, or must be obtained by foreign citizens, domestic employment, tenant legislation, conversion tables of different unit measurements, amongst other subjects. - Available in trilingual edition (Portuguese, English and Spanish) (2009).

Brazil & China - Immigration and Visas - Information on Brazil’s and China’s legal system of immigration, as well as on tourist, business and work visas, temporary or permanent, in both countries. Statistics and immigration controls of the Brazilian and the Chinese governments included.

How to Export to Brazil - Targeted at South-American exporters, this publication presents relevant information on the Brazilian economy; standards and procedures for bringing imported products into Brazil; trade methods and practices, and other topics.

Legal Guide for the Foreign Investor in Brazil - Contains information on the Brazilian legal system; the Brazilian foreign exchange markets; forms of association; antitrust, labor and environmental system; privatization; commercial and civil litigation; customer rights in Brazil; etc.

La Inversión Extranjera en Brasil (Foreign Investment in Brazil) Contains information on how to set up a company, labor and environmental legislation, consumer protection, financial institutions, taxation, intellectual property, sports, environmental and criminal law, etc.

Legal Guide for the Foreign Investor in Pernambuco - Information on the legislation of the state of Pernambuco. It includes themes such as taxes and tax incentives, contracts with the state public administration, environmental law, private property issues, registration of trade, industrial and port complex of Suape etc.

WorldBank Publications

WordBank Brazil,

WorldBank Brazil Quarterly Knowledge Report - April 2012 -

WorldBank publications about Brazil -〈=&dAtts=ORASCORE,DOCDT,DOCNA,REPNB,DOCTY,LANG,VOLNB,REPNME,VOL_TITLE&sortDesc=ORASCORE&pageSize=10&docType=0&theSitePK=523679&piPK=64620093&sortOrderby=ORASCORE&pagePK=64187835&menuPK=64187283&sType=2

Brazil India Publications

The Brazilian Economy (2011) -

PUBLICATIONS THE BRAZILIAN ECONOMY 2010-2011 - other editions that talk about Insurance Market, Contruction, the role of banks, Services, and more - )

A fifth minister resigns … Former President Lula negotiates 2012 PT alliances … Tax receipts, industrial confidence, production, and retail sales all down … Productivity lags … Taxes on imported cars go up … Central Bank sees less growth and more inflation … The real depreciates … Rousseff calls for change at the UN.


The economic team’s credibility gap Rousseff’s economic team lacks the balance and credibility shown in previous administrations, says João Augusto de Castro Neves. He analyzes what this implies for effective policymaking amid faltering domestic economic indicators and political uncertainties.

Recycling: Who pays for it?

After decades of discussion there is now a draft National Solid Waste Policy that seeks to integrate government, business, and civil society. Claudio Accioli, Solange Monteiro, and Kalinka Iaquinto explain why revisions are needed if the effort is not to be wasted.


Is European monetary unification sustainable? As the International Monetary Fund Executive Director for Brazil and other Latin American and Caribbean countries, Paulo Nogueira Batista Jr., has had a privileged view of efforts to mitigate a continuing global crisis whose consequences are still unpredictable. In an interview with Claudio Accioli, he gives his personal opinion on risks to the survival of the euro and the decision of Brazil’s central bank to start cutting the benchmark interest rate.

SEMINAR Untapped wealth

Because it is a relatively new way to classify economic activities that have a cultural or intellectual property element, and it covers such varied activities as game development and regional handicrafts, the potential of the creative economy in Brazil has not yet been prioritized by either the market or the government, so public policies for its development are lacking. Experts at the First International Conference on the Creative Economy, organized by Conjuntura Econômica and The Brazilian Economy magazines, look at all the ramifications. Claudio Accioli, Solange Monteiro, and Thais Thimoteo report.

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