About Ilan Chamovitz

De Wiki de Ilan Chamovitz - Informatica, Administracao, Eng. Producao, Educacao, Tecnologia da Informacao

Edição feita às 14h17min de 30 de Junho de 2016 por Ilan (Discussão | contribs)
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Ilan Chamovitz is a senior ICT professional at DATASUS - the Health Informatics Department of the Ministry of Health - Brazil and collaborates within Educational Programs and Dissemination of Healthcare and Public Health Information. He participated in important projects: SIOPS (the national Public Health System Budget System, considered outstanding in the 6th Innovation in the Public Management, 2001), SIH (Hospital Information System, that produces more than 11 million of records per annum) and, recently, at UNIVERSUS (Datasus Distance Education Programme).

He is a Doctor in Production Engineering (Industrial and Technological Projects/COPPE/UFRJ), has obtained a MSc. in Informatics (Computer in Education/IM-NCE/UFRJ) and a BA. in Business Administration (UFRJ). He also has an Executive MBA in Information and Communication Technology (ICT/FGV), Post-graduation degree in Systems Analysis(PUC/RJ) and is certified in Computer Programming (PUC/RJ).

His teaching skills includes lectures for experienced teachers, seniors managers, executives, professionals and for young students, as well. The main areas are Business Management, Services and Processes Management, Strategic Planning, System´s Healthcare, Computer Science, Computer in Education, Distance Learning, Technology, Information Systems. Some Brazilian educational institutions comprise Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ and Getulio Vargas Foundation - FGV, where he collaborates eventually as an tutor online and content developer.

With more than 20 years experience in developing solutions based on systems information and computer programs for small, medium and large enterprises, the researcher also collaborates within the Corporative University of SEBRAE - The Brazilian Service of Support for Micro and Small Enterprises encourage Brazil's entrepreneurship and development. (http://www.sebrae.com.br/customizado/sebrae/institucional/sebrae-in-english/integra_bia?ident_unico=120000555).

In the Health care segment, in 1999 Dr. Chamovitz innovated when creating and moderating the ABENDI - Brazilian Fertility and Endometriosis Association Forum, on the Internet. The forum became a common resource about the disease, after patients starting to exchange messages. In 2000 he collaborated on designing, programming and implementing a solution based internet-sent files about planned expenditures for more than 5500 municipalities using for National Health Budget System (SIOPS). The project earned the award for Innovations in Public Management Federal - Award Helio Beltrao in 2001. In 2006 he highlighted the importance of Datasus - Ministry of Health - having a content management system (CMS) for users of health services and systems. In 2010 he conducted a distance learning course - SUS - Health and Citizenship - for more than 100 users - nurses, doctors, students. In 2011 he was invited to present at the Ministry of Health in Brasilia, the use of Forums as a helpful tool for Knowledge Management ( http://youtu.be/KhUcynevxIY ).

From 2012-2016 Dr. Chamovitz carried out a post-doctoral research at the Centre for Service Research, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, with the support of the Ministry of Health - Brazil. Studies comprised Information and Knowledge Management through the use of Virtual Educational Forums ( http://api.adm.br/acesso ). The results can be used within Educational Distance Learning Programs applied to Healthcare and the Brazil Health System - SUS.

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