Using Fuzzy Concept for Airport Performance Evaluation

Using Fuzzy Concept for Airport Performance Evaluation


The increasing demand of air transportation has represented a significant challenge to airport administrations, requiring a specific tool to evaluate their performance comparatively. Under this scope, the study presents a model for airport performance evaluation encompassing different spheres of actions. Initially, there is an investigation of the interaction between the various stakeholders and factors comprising the airport environment, raising key components (attributes) which may assess the performance of “airport service suppliers” by the perception from “airport service demanders”. The optimal level of this multiple interaction is measured according to the accuracy and importance of the conditioning factors applied. The research uses as support the Coppe/Cosenza Fuzzy Hierarchy Model (FHM), which considers the set of demanders and suppliers factors. The results point to a performance index for each airport (alternatives) evaluated, relative to other comparable airports, expressed by an “Airport Perception Index (API), which may be ranked. The concept presented may contribute to the improvement of strategic actions to be taken, including service levels provided. Besides, the model can be worked with complex matrices, with several airports, better showing the level of perceived assessment among them.

The Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) Conferences Proceedings (