Health Population interesting projects and issues - Ilan Chamovitz

De Wiki de Ilan Chamovitz - Informatica, Administracao, Eng. Producao, Educacao, Tecnologia da Informacao

This is some interesting sources and annotation from my studies in Health Population

14-April-2014 6 weeks 1-3 hours of work / week

Population health is defined as the health outcomes of a group of individuals, including the distribution of such outcomes within the group. (3,4)

The starting premise is that having an understanding of health from a population level can enable people to make better decisions about their own health care and can also enable health workers to make better decisions about individuals and populations within their care.

The course is led by Aneez Esmail, a general practitioner and professor from The University of Manchester, UK. Together, he and Dr Katie Reed, the Faculty eLearning lead, developed the course with contributions from a number of other academic and technical staff from the Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences.

American Journal of Public Health

Improving Population Health - blog (image copied from the blog)


Improving Population Health explores current thinking in policy, practice, and research in population health improvement. It is intended to serve as a forum for discussion and a call for action as we consider what all of us—across all sectors—can do to improve the health of our communities.

We encourage the participation of anyone who wants to improve health in their community and beyond, including, but not limited to, policymakers in the public and private sectors, scholars and community leaders, citizens and advocates. Please feel free to share your comments directly on the blog or by contacting us with your suggestions, questions, or concerns.

Improving Population Health is based in the University of Wisconsin’s Department of Population Health Sciences and is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Editor:David A. Kindig, MD, PhD Associate Editor: Kirstin Siemering, DrPH, RD Advisor: Bridget Booske, PhD, MHSA
