Lógica Fuzzy
O objetivo da criação deste grupo é a troca de informações e construção de uma base de conhecimentos sobre a aplicação de Logica Fuzzy em projetos de Engenharia, Saúde, Educação, Segurança e em outras áreas.
Curso de logica borrosa (português):
Curso de logica borrosa (espanhol):
(extraidos de http://www.type2fuzzylogic.org/links/)
- Automated Scheduling, Optimisation and Planning Group at Nottingham, U.K.
- CIS Extensions to Type-1 Task Force
- Bob John’s publications
- Fuzzy Logic FAQ
- Jerry Mendel’s Home Page
- Bob John’s Fuzzy Logic Group at De Montfort, U.K.
- BISC Special interest Group on Granular Computing (SIGGrc)
- BISC Special interest Group on Interval Methods in Knowledge Representation (SIGInterval)
- Robert Fullers Home Page. A very good comprehensive page
- Fuzzy Filtering
- Fuzzy Decision Making Lecture Notes
- Ortech’s Fuzzy Logic Reservoir - interesting!
- Bruno di Stefanos links
- Research Group of Approximate reasoning and Artificial Intelligence of the University of Granada
- Conferences url for all areas
- Intelligent Fuzzy Systems Laboratory at University of Toronto - headed by Turksen
- Lycos Fuzzy Logic search
- LIDO - the AI mail searcher
- Stefan Baginski’s Page on Soft Computing
- Fuzzy Environmental Research
- THD Fuzzy and Neuro Group
- Center for Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems Research at Texas A&M
- Computer Science Bibliography
- ERUDIT Home Page
- UCI Machine Learning Repository
- University of Vanderbilt Center for Intelligent Systems
- MIT GmbH - ELITE Foundation
- Internet Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing Resources
- NAFIPS Stuff
- Zadehs’ Group at Berkeley Home Page
- General stuff relating to pointers for Soft Computing on the internet
- Hybrid Intelligent Systems
- Intelligence in Industry Newsletter
- Philosophy of Soft Computing
- The Soft Computing Group at Milan
- Why We Need Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems
- Environmental Sciences and Fuzzy Logic
- Frequently Asked Questions About Rule-Based Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems
- Fuzzy Music!
- Yager’s Machine Intelligence Institute
- Building Fuzzy Expert Systems Handbook
- Expert Systems (with some fuzzy)
- Frequently Asked Questions About Type-2 Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Sets
- Fuzzy Logic Archive from Quadralay - intro stuff
- Martin Brown’s neuro fuzzy page
- Intelligent Inhabited Environments Group at Essex
- knowledge/Intelligence Systems Laboratory at the University of Toronto
- Some Neural Fuzzy Lecture Notes
- University of Missouri - Columbia
- Fuzzy Image Processing
- General A.I. Resources Page
- Carnegie Mellon AI Stuff
- Fuzzy Logic FAQ Part 2
- International Fuzzy Systems Association