Sources for Learning Analytics

Posted by ilan | | Tuesday 4 November 2014 6:07 am

Learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimising learning and the environments in which it occurs.

Wiki – Ilan Chamovitz – Learning Analytics


The process of Learning Analytics below was retrieved from George Siemens’s Elearnspace web page:, from the end of 2010.

Learning Analytics Process Source: E-Learn Space


1st International Conference Learning Analytics & Knowledge will be held February 27-March 1, 2011

LAK 2011 –

What had Lak 2011 covered: (retrieved from the website)

Learning analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimising learning and the environments in which it occurs.

Conference organizers are seeking submissions of Ideas and Innovations papers addressing the following topics:


   Software development and use in analytics
   The role of knowledge representation and ontologies in learning analytics
   The semantic web and linked data: meaning in connections
   Data mining in learning analytics
   Artificial intelligence in learning analytics
   Internet of things (sensors) and learning applications
   "Big Data" applications and opportunities in learning and education
   Latent semantic analysis/natural language processing
   Attention metadata
   Architecture of learning environments and implications to learning analytics
   Software needed to advance learning analytics as a field 


   Visualization: data, learner networks, conceptual knowledge
   Predictive applications of data
   Interventions based on analytics
   Social and technical systems to manage information abundance
   Personalization and adaptivity in the learning process
   Corporate and higher education case studies of learning analytics
   Learning analytics for intelligent tutoring systems
   Open data: data access for learners
   Harmonizing individual learning with organizational learning
   Importing insights for existing analytics
   Use of learning analytics in centralized (learning management systems) and decentralized (personal learning environments) settings 

Conceptual & Pedagogical:

   The relationship between learning analytics and existing theories and approaches (such as pedagogical models and learning sciences)
   Social network analysis
   Cognitive modelling
   Harnessing the power of context and location aware systems
   Informal learning: integrating learning and knowledge systems
   Privacy & ethics in learning analytics
   The influence of analytics on designing for learning
   The influence of analytics on delivery and support of learning 

In Portuguese

2011 – Design Instrucional e seu acompanhamento em tempo de execução utilizando Rede de Atividades Isabel Dillmann Nunes, Ulrich Schiel.

2014 – Minerando Dados Educacionais com foco na evasão escolar: oportunidades, desafios e necessidades Sandro José Rigo, Wagner Cambruzzi, Jorge L. V. Barbosa, Sílvio C. Cazella


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